Get Centered…
“Practice well-being.
Take 5 minutes every morning
to get centered.“
Always too much to do and never enough time. I am trying to make it a habit to stop several times a day, just for a few minutes (and maybe just a few seconds) to pause & take the time to breathe deeply. I place my hands on my stomach and feel the rise and fall as I breathe. Thinking about the rise and fall takes my mind away from all the things I need to do. You don’t have to be on one leg in a yoga pose to breathe, but it could be a goal. Balance and deep breathing..go for it!
“An interval of meditation, serious and grateful, was the best corrective of everything dangerous.”
~Jane Austen
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Get Centered” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.