A Bird In The Hand…
“Practice being grateful
For what you have.
“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” no matter what side of the fence you are on. Someone will always have more and there will be others who have less. Concentrate on the things you do have. In Colorado we have the most amazing color of blue sky. It’s because the air is less dense at such a high altitude. I never tire of looking at that sky and noticing how beautiful it is. I have gotten in the habit of noticing the amazing things that are around me every day. Don’t just wait for the end of the day to list things you are grateful for, take moments throughout the day to be grateful.
When you are feeling down, that is the best time to think of all the things you are grateful for.
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.”
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “A Bird in the Hand” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Love Yourself…
“Lift your spirits.
Love yourself and then
send that love out into the world.“
I am pretty sure no one escapes being teased and bullied sometime during their years at school. When I was teased, I at least had a safe place to retreat to everyday. One of the things my Dad always said was “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” We were taught to treat each other with respect. I was lucky. I realize that so many kids never get a break from the abuse. They grow up and never even know how valuable their lives are.
We are lucky in this world of technology to be able to find ways to help us in the healing process. No need to quietly suffer. There are some amazing things on the web. When you come across something that helps you, be sure to take the time to forward it to a friend. What a wonderful way to reach out to someone you know who is hurting. Everyone deserves time out to take care of themselves. I have discovered a few podcasts that are helpful to me. Brene Brown/Unlocking Us, Lewis Howes/The School of Greatness or Good Life Project/Jonathan Fields. You could start there. Also Youtube has many Brene’ Brown interviews. I like Mel Robbins as well. Her Ted Talk has 25 million views. Of course Anthony Robbins is still around and working hard to help us create a better life. All of these people can be found on Youtube in many different interviews. My advice…turn off the news or at least limit the time you spend on it. The news is fear based…who needs that?
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” ~Buddha
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Love Yourself” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Let Your Hair Down…
“Be happy. Be yourself”.
It gets easier as you get older to just be yourself. For me it got easier when I had kids. I was so focused on our family and raising the kids that I had little time to worry about what people were thinking or saying about me. Time with them was so precious and they were so much fun. You know what? There will always be those out there ready to criticize you. So when it happens, acknowledge it for what it is, it’s that person out there who is probably unhappy and wants to drag you down as well. Don’t waste your time and energy on them. You have better ways to spend your time.
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Let Your Hair Down” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Live In The Moment…
“Slow down, be mindful
enjoy life to the fullest.“
One of the most important times to be in the moment…when someone is having a face to face conversation with you. You actually stop and give that person your full attention. You stop thinking about all of the things you should be doing, stop thinking about what your response will be, stop checking your cell phone, don’t let your mind wander. Just be in the moment and get joy out of being with whoever it is, a child, a friend, or your husband. Everyone seems to be living in such a fast paced world. It is time to slow down and enjoy the moment, don’t let so many beautiful, precious moments slip by unnoticed.
“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
~ Amit Ray
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
BUY “Live in the Moment” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.
Stuck In A Rut…
“Make your life more interesting.
Change your routine,
change your life.“
I really am at a great place in my life. I am doing what I want to do. I have always wanted to create art. The problem: The rut I am stuck in is not so bad, but I really need more balance. Life seems to be going by really fast. I need to stop and figure out what things I might be missing in my life. I certainly don’t want to look back and have regrets. Time to mix things up. Nothing big. Just small changes will do. It’s time to make a list of things that would bring more joy into my life, and of course act on those things. Don’t allow yourself to “Get Stuck in a Rut”.
“The less routine the more life.” ~Amos Bronson Alcott
Take time to: INSPIRE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE, & CONNECT with friends.
To BUY “Stuck in a Rut” Greeting Cards, Postcards, Flexible Magnets, Prints 8×10 CLICK HERE.